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Oriflame SkinExpert App

Oriflame introduces a new Skin Care App, Skin Expert for iOS and Android, to support the recommendation of advanced skin care based on concern and need. The app is developed in collaboration with Oriderm, our clinical testing suite at our R&D centre where we substantiate claims using real people to evaluate real results, and based on the findings from our Age reflect study*.

- Thanks to the collaborating efforts of our researchers at R&D, our Global online team and Product marketing team as well as testing done by 1200 people in 15 different countries, we are now ready to release this app – it feels great!
Marcus Fogel, Senior Director Global Online, Oriflame

Oriflame SkinExpert App is taking skin care consultations to the next level. We know that consumers trust a personal recommendation when looking for the right skin care solution for them, it makes them more comfortable in making that choice. Therefor we want to empower our consultants to be as comfortable in guiding them through that consultation and giving them a credible tool to make that tailored and objective recommendation in the end.

The SkinExpert App is built on that insight and designed to bring confidence to Consultants and help ensure that the recommended products correspond to Customers’ needs.

- It can be awkward to discuss skin care concerns, especially if they are related to age, but SkinExpert removes that awkwardness by acting as a third party in the conversation with a potential customer.
Melina Galeadi, Global Senior Communications Manager, Oriflame

Besides facilitating smooth consultations and customized recommendations the app allows the consultant to plan their business and follow up with customers to be able to provide high quality service to go along with the high-quality products.

*Age Reflect is a unique, in-depth scientific skin ageing study including almost 1 000 women, conducted by Oriflame.

Founded in 1967, Oriflame is a beauty company selling direct in more than 60 countries. Its wide portfolio of Swedish, nature-inspired, innovative beauty products is marketed through approximately 3 million independent Oriflame Consultants, generating annual sales of around €1.2 billion. Respect for people and nature underlies Oriflame’s operating principles and is reflected in its social and environmental policies. Oriflame supports numerous charities worldwide and is a Co-founder of the World Childhood Foundation. Oriflame is a Swiss company group listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm Exchange. For more information about Oriflame, please visit www.oriflame.com.