8 Common Skincare Myths Busted!

Surprisingly, there is a lot of information available that’s either inaccurate or just plain wrong! Read our guide on the most common skincare myths to learn more.

1 I should change my skincare often because the skin adapts.
If the products of your choice are compatible with your skin, there is no reason to change them, they will not become less effective. This goes especially for products with clinical results which have been tested for their efficiency over a period of time.  You can always adapt your routine according to your skin needs (different seasons, hormonal changes etc).

2 I don’t need sunscreen on a cloudy day
Clouds do not block the sun’s harmful rays. Actually, up to 80% of the UV rays that cause sun damage penetrate clouds, so you can still get a sunburn on a cloudy day. 

3 A product with SPF 30 provides twice as much protection as SPF 15
SPF refers to the ability of a sunscreen to block ultraviolet B (UVB) rays, which cause sunburns, but not UVA rays, which are more closely linked to deeper skin damage. The SPF rating is a measure of the time it would take you to sunburn if you were not wearing sunscreen as opposed to the time it would take with sunscreen on. An SPF 15 sunscreen blocks 93% of UVB radiation, while an SPF 30 sunscreen blocks nearly 97%.

4 Pores can open and close
Pores do not have muscles therefore they cannot open and close.  Cleansing twice daily, will keep them free from impurities and as such, will appear smaller.

5 Natural ingredients are better than synthetic ones
Natural ingredients are not necessarily better than synthetic, or the other way around. Some synthetic ingredients have been tested and used safely in the cosmetics for decades whereas some natural ingredients used in excess can cause rashes.

6 I have oily skin so I do not need moisturisers
Moisturisers are formulated to do just that: Moisture! All skin types need it. You just have to pick a moisturiser for oily skin. The best for you is to find something more like a GEL, which will be a lighter version of a moisturiser.

7 Anti-ageing care should only start once you see the signs of ageing

Caring for the skin should start at an early age as the main ageing factors such as sun exposure, have a cumulative effect over the years. It is therefore important to protect the skin from the sun’s harmful rays, and to always follow a daily skincare routine including a cleanser, a toner, an eye cream, a serum, a day and a night cream. These should be adjusted as the skin’s needs change. 

8 There is not much I can do about my skin ageing, my mother’s DNA is dictating it
DNA dictates only a small part of your skin’s overall youthful look. Through products and lifestyle we can affect 80% of our skins ageing. Only 20% of what’s going on with your skin is genetics. Sun exposure being the number 1 cause of premature skin ageing!

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