10 Steps to a Healthy, Balanced Life for You and Your Family

Juggling the demands of a career, relationship, social life and family can be tough - it’s not always easy to maintain the balance. To help you out, we’ve listed some small changes that can boost your mood and health. After all, a healthier you is a happier you.

A nutritious breakfast will give your body and brain the energy it needs to tackle the day ahead. The perfect breakfast should include lots of fibre and whole grains, some protein and good fats. Try replacing sugar and sweeteners with fresh fruit or natural honey. 

Drinking water is essential to your health. It helps transport nutrients, flushes out toxins and fuels your muscles - it also keeps your skin looking fresh. 

Managing a career and family duties can be tough – sometimes it can be impossible. A key step to finding work/life balance is to prioritise. Decide what’s important to you and stick to it – no guilt. You are not Superwoman (and that’s ok).

Our body and mind are connected. When we exercise our bodies release chemicals called endorphins that trigger a positive feeling in our bodies. If you have kids, why not try getting active as a family? Cycling, swimming or playing a sport are fun ways to get in shape together. 

Taking vitamins and supplements can fill in the nutritional gaps in your diet. A multivitamin that’s been designed for your age and gender is a good way to complement healthy eating habits. 

In order to be healthy and happy we need to schedule in some “me time”.  Even if it’s only ten minutes a day, setting aside some time for you can reduce stress and anxiety.  

Sleep increases your brainpower, is anti-ageing, can help you lose weight and boost your immune system. It’s recommended that we get eight hours of sleep a night, and that children get nine. Try creating a consistent evening ritual to help you and your family sleep better.

Go screen free – just for a bit. Set aside some time with your family without phones, computer screens or televisions. Listening and talking to them without distraction is important for strengthening your relationship.

Our bodies don’t produce Omega-3 fatty acids, so we need to get them from our diet. Omega-3 is found in oily fish, like tuna or salmon, or it can be taken as a daily supplement. One of the most important benefits is its anti-inflammatory effect – some doctors believe Omega-3 can help prevent arthritis and heart disease. 

Positive emotions – like joy and gratitude – don’t just feel good, they also help us perform better and improve our physical health. Positivity can lower blood pressure, lessen pain, ward off colds and help you sleep. Try to think of three things every day that you feel good about – you’ll be surprised by the affect!

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